Thursday, December 3, 2009

On the pavement

Its early December, the weather is chilly and everyone is trying to stay warm in their sweatshirts, jackets and pajamas. On this particular morning a girl in her teens walks aside her mother, fancying her brown boots and dancing rather than walking; her gait projecting her innocence. With one hand she holds her mother and with the other plays with her rainbow colored muffler. She STOPS abruptly; her immediate state of rest jerks her mother’ hand;her eyes now fixed on the side walk, on a small white puppy shivering to the effect of the cold. She stares at the puppy and then with puffy eyes looks back at her mother. The mother shakes her head almost instantly; signaling a NO. Wussshhh…the wind blows and both feel the chill of the wind on their faces. At that very moment, the poor creature must have given a short cry or else the mother and daughter would not have looked at it at the same precise moment. The girl now ‘stares’ at her mother…scornfully. The mother meets her eyes but unable to return her own daughter’s gaze she looks back at the puppy; her eyes now glimmering with affection. She takes in a breath. It takes is a few moment but she finally gives in. She takes off her leather gloves and shoves it to her pocket, walks up to the puppy and with a motherly touch carries the puppy to her BMW. Her daughter now smiles and rejoices the entire walk back to the car as if it meant the world for her to help that puppy.


Becca said...

i like the real-life style of this post...and the "whoosh" part. though i would be surprised to actually witness this scenario, reading this post did pull my heartstrings a little bit

Sujit Kunwor said...

i like the way you have written the story with livliness and vividness of the characters and the scenario to show kindness in the heart of the girl. her rejoice after taking the puppy with them is really the touching moment in the story..

Pratik said...

i kind of animated this situation because it is one of those situation that we all seem think that would take place....but in real a big controversy

Mike said...

Very nice detail in your story. I like how you focused on the gazes of the mother and daughter and showed how empathy and sympathy took over. I think the mother's hesitance to take the puppy shows a lot of people's hesitance to help others as well.

Shelly said...

I love your story Pratik. I think it could be true.

Katelyn Irene said...

believe it or not this happened to my uncle, but it wasnt a puppy.

my aunt and uncle lived in pennsylvania for several years. when i was about 12 years old my cousin sami and i went for a walk in the woods by their house. we found a mother deer who had unfortunately died and we cried at the sight...but what was more sad was the sight of the baby deer laying next to her, shivering in the cold. We called my uncle out and he took a bathroom towel, wrapped it around the baby (if you touch them they get the scent of humans and other deer will practically attack them) and he put the baby in their new built insulated garage with the door cracked open a bit in case another deer was to come for it. we then made some warm milk and put it out for the baby. as my cousin and i watched from the window we were amazed at how sweetly my uncle took care of that deer. in the morning the deer was gone and there was a trail of deerprints going into the winds, one set of the babies, the other of a larger deer (maybe the father?) i had forgotten about this until i read your blog, Pratik!